We are a Fashion Social Enterprise. We want to host Ukrainians for up to 30 days in exchange for work on our Fashion Business. We are looking for fashion buyers, graphic designers, web designers, models, SMM, targetologists, fundraisers, recruiters and managers. You should let us know if you fit this profile and we will welcome you to stay in our beautiful huge house right in the center of Lisbon that can comfortably sleep 10 or more people! This is a unique approach to helping people from Ukraine at this time. We know that so many have skills and want to work but for some time will be in limbo – no where to stay and no work. We want to help. We are a non profit organisation and any money raised will be split as wages among the team. Our goal will be to build a network of instagram stores that will operate in Ukraine when things start to open up. In the meanwhile we will be buying inventory from around the world and preparing.